IPA Memberships Illinois Police Association Membership Cards
  • Active Membership
    Active Members - Active members shall be limited to police officers, correctional officers, sheriffs, full time railroad police officers, coroners, duly authorized prosecutors and their assistants during their term of office, a duly state and federal parole officers, and other public law enforcement officers employed by any municipality, county or other political subdivision or within the territorial limits of Illinois including law enforcement officers employed by the United States whose tour of duty or office from where he reports is located within Illinois; and officers who have been pensioned or eligible for pension after serving twenty years but not yet age fifty, from law enforcement employment. Application for Active membership may not be accepted unless the law enforcement qualifications of the applicant's employer are clearly defined by state or federal statutes. The Executive Board may deny an application for membership where its acceptance may result in risks or losses being unnecessarily increased and which it is believed would prove detrimental to the operations of the Association.

    (Amended September, 1982) 

    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH A, POLICE OFFICERS DEFINED - Any person who is hired and employed specifically as a police officer by a law enforcement agency authorized by statute, federal or state, to enforce the law, other than those in a judicial capacity. Such officers must be employed on a full time basis and otherwise come under the provisions of Municipalities 820 ILCS 105/1, commonly known as the Minimum Wage Law, when said applies. Employees of agencies not included in the Minimum Wage Act must be compensated at an annual rate reasonable consistent with full time service not lower than 75 percent of THE ESTABLISHED MINIMUM SALARY. Eligibility for Active membership shall not be altered if a police officer is assigned to clerical, radio, telephone switchboard, dog pound, or ambulance service unless the principal reason for their employment is to perform such non-police service and unless such employee is compensated at a salary lower than that received by a patrolman of the same department. Persons employed by a police department because of their specialized training or profession shall not be considered a police officer unless they are originally employed as such police officer and are compensated at the same salary as those of corresponding rank on the same department.

    (Amended September, 1975)

    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH B, A candidate for Active membership must be proposed by an Active member who shall submit the name and the candidate's written request for membership on forms provided by the Association. The Executive Director may approve the application if the is satisfied that the applicant has truthfully and fully answered all questions contained in the application, and is entitled to active membership. In case the Executive director is doubtful of the candidate's eligibility he shall refer the application to the Board for its decision thereon, which shall be final.

    (Amended September, 1964) (September 1996)

    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH B, A candidate for Active membership must be proposed by an Active member who shall submit the name and the candidate's written request for membership on forms provided by the Association. The Executive Director may approve the application if the is satisfied that the applicant has truthfully and fully answered all questions contained in the application, and is entitled to active membership. In case the Executive director is doubtful of the candidate's eligibility he shall refer the application to the Board for its decision thereon, which shall be final.

    (Amended September, 1964) (September 1996)

    SECTION 2, PARAGRAPH C, A member may be disciplined, suspended or expelled for a misrepresentation of facts in his application for membership, for unprofessional conduct or other just cause, but such punishment shall not be inflicted except upon written charges being filed against him and until he has had an opportunity to be heard in his own defense before the Board. The member shall be entitled to counsel at said hearing.

    (Amended September, 1965)

    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.

    PROHIBITIONS: no person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date his conviction becomes final.



  • Class "A" Associate Membership
    Class "A" Associate membership is for law enforcement officers who do not qualify for Active membership because of part time, honorary, special, auxiliary or reserve police status. Included are full time officers employed by a private corporation such as department store, private detective agencies, watch services, bank police and plant protection police.

    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.

    PROHIBITIONS: no person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date his conviction becomes final.
    (Amended September, 1991)


  • Class "B" Associate Membership
    Class "B" Associate membership is for businessmen of high repute who are recommended by Active members. Associate members shall require the sponsorship of an accredited Active member, and such membership shall be issued only in limited number as prescribed by resolution of the Board. They shall be exempt from any benefits acquired through Active membership except when Article 7, Section 1 applies to Associate "A" membership and precluded from holding office and voting on administrative polices.

    (Amended September, 1991)

    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.


    PROHIBITIONS: no person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date his conviction becomes final.

    (Amended September, 1991)


    Honorary Membership
    Honorary Members -
    Persons who are ineligible for Active membership but who the Board finds are qualified by training and experience in general law enforcement or have achieved professional distinction in police science and administration; those who have rendered distinguished public service in the administration of criminal justice or who have made an outstanding contribution to law enforcement or the prevention of crime; members of the judiciary and officers of any municipal, count, state, or federal agency and executive officials of a government department are eligible for honorary membership.

    PARAGRAPH A: Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of all dues and assessments and through their respective membership shall extend throughout each calendar year following consideration and approval of the Board of the respective person's qualifications and status. They shall not be entitled to the death benefit belonging to the Active members and shall be precluded from holding office in the Association and voting at any meeting of the membership.


    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.

    PROHIBITIONS: no person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date his conviction becomes final.

    (Amended September, 1991)



  • Lifetime Membership
    Lifetime Members - All Past Presidents shall become Life members upon completion of their term of office and shall be exempt from dues and enjoy all the privileges and benefits of an Active member for the remainder of their lives.

    Sex, color, race or creed shall not be a bar to membership in the Association.

    PROHIBITIONS: no person who has been convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or the federal government shall be eligible for membership and any member who is convicted of a felony against the laws of any state or federal government shall be automatically dropped from the membership from the date his conviction becomes final.

    (Amended September, 1991)
